It really was that simple as our winner shows from our recent Facebook campaign. We were offering any student free beer to comment, like or share on our free beer campaign competition. Letpads are Preston’s best student accommodation provider offering the very best in high end student houses in Preston.

With the new student renting season amongst us already, we wanted to get students talking about letpads. So we thought what better way than giving away a freebie. But there’s no such thing as a free lunch we heard you say. Your right there isn’t, but letpads is not just any other student accommodation in Preston. In fact we have to hold our hands up and say that we did not actually do what we said we would do on our Facebook competition. YES WE KNEW IT, we hear all those students say who thought it was too good to be true.

Well actually the truth is we actually gave our winner DOUBLE what we said we would give. So they actually got 2 crates of cider instead of 1.That’s exactly what happens when you are dealing with letpads, you always get more than what you expect. RUBBISH, again we hear those students say who just can’t believe it. The hype is real my friends, letpads is real.

It’s not just a myth, or a dream you are about to wake up from. That’s exactly the reason why we have been voted 2015 LANDLORD OF THE YEAR FROM UCLAN STUDENTS UNION.

We were students once too guys so we know exactly what you are going through and what you want. We have been the spearhead of dragging up the standards of student housing in Preston. We are proud to say we are fully accredited by Unipol, accommodation for students, Preston city council and HMO license holders. But unlike other accommodation providers we do not let out other people’s houses. We own all the properties within our portfolio so we strive to give you the very best service at all times.

We believe students want a great house along with a great service from a great landlord. Although this IMG_0342_edited-1may sound easy getting this mix all in one is not easy, especially when you have to deal with letting agents uurghhhh, we hear you say. Yes you do not want to be shown some old grotty house and pestered into taking it so some agent can get there fee. That’s why at letpads we are always listening to students and putting into practice what feedback we get. So if on viewings you love the house but there’s the odd thing you want tweaking at letpads we can sort it there and then. Remember we own all the houses so we can make decisions there and then.

However due to our popularity you will find that the majority, if not all of our students, stay on with us if they have another year to go at uclan. Then we have an array of their friends who want a letpads home because they have seen what we offer with there own eyes and even better they know exactly the great service we provide for them. So unfortunately sometimes if you are new to letpads at times you can’t even get to live with us because we have no availability. But don’t worry we don’t just go buying more and more houses, instead we invest year on year in our existing portfolio to ensure we can give the highest standards available.

So you have been warned, beware living with letpads is not just a given its a priority. Not every uclan student can be as lucky as to say they have lived in a letpads home. But those who can are sure to get the best experience possible during there time studying at uclan as we really do take the hassle out of living away from home.

So every time you see that student that just can’t seem to take that smile off there face you have probably just rubbed shoulders with a letpads tenant.

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