At letpads we are well aware that students are usually always skint, hey remember we were students too so we know what it’s like. But with children in need coming up we thought we would send out a quick note to say that if we can all somehow spare a little it can really go a long way. As anything that get donates to children in need all goes to the good causes of helping children in need.
Even if you only give a little it still helps, because if everyone gives a little it really does amount to a lot. As there has been some great donation amounts given to children in need year in, year our ever since this great programme has been aired on bbc1 since 1980. Wow most students were not even born then so that’s going back a long way. There will be lots to watch when it’s aired on bbc1 as the show is six and a half hours long. But look at it like this, get a group of your mates round and get some take away food in and watch the entertainment on bbc1. Whatever you think you have all saved by staying in you can all put together as a donation. Think if every student did just that we would probably break the record for the biggest amount ever donated to children in need. It just shows how much can be done if everyone just does that little bit. As all them little bits really do mount up. So we hope you all choose to chill behind the TV and watch children in need on bbc1 and all really get behind the great work of children in need.
Some of you may think hey hang on a minute, what’s this got to do with letpads. Why are they wasting their time with this, it’s got nothing to do with student accommodation in Preston or finding students houses in Preston. Well you would be right there, it has got nothing to do with that we do at letpads. But if everyone had that attitude then the world would be in a real mess. At letpads we think everyone should be thankful for the opportunity they get in life, especially being able to be at university studying at one of the best university’s in the UK, obviously UCLAN the University of Central Lancashire, but we may be a little biased especially as we studied here too.
But on a serious note you guys all have the opportunity right now to better yourselves and build a better life for you and your families. But some children do not have that opportunity and that’s why we feel children in need is such a great charity to get behind. As we can all make a difference and the children of today have all of our futures in there hands.