When you go away to university, one of the most rewarding aspects can be living in your own student pad. Making friends with your flatmates, and living life together. Even though you’re all on different time scales, and schedules. Here at Let Pads, we understand how important your student accommodation is. Especially in terms of creating a home away from home. When for most students, this is your first opportunity to live independently. That’s why we put so much time and effort into making sure our student accommodation is stylish, practical and welcoming. It’s just down to you to bring the student lifestyle with you! And these are our top signs that show you live in a student house.
Signs that show you live in a student house
- Take away is on the menu 4 or more days a week-There’s no doubt about it, some kind of take away is probably being delivered to your student pad more than 4 times a week!
- Netflix marathons are a weekly event- a whole house binge watch of a Netflix series is standard student life practice. It’s fine to watch TV all day, you tell yourselves. That’s why we provide top quality WiFi in all of our student accommodation.
- Game night is competitive- from Mario Cart to FIFA, there’s no way you guys aren’t getting competitive over game night. Do you even keep a winners record?
- Frantic tidy up for family visits- if someone’s family are coming to visit, we bet you all pitch in to help tidy the kitchen, bathroom and living spaces. You have to show that you’re functioning adults occasionally.
- Your group chat is out of hand- You probably have a group chat going to keep everyone in the loop. And while this always starts out as a good idea, there’s usually at least one person that has to take things too far…
- You’re all on different time zones- Living in student accommodation is like some kind of time warp. While you’re getting up for lectures, two of your roommates have probably just got home. While another one won’t surface till after midday. And there’s always that one person who seems to be awake and active, no matter what time you bump into them!
For quality student accommodation that is stylish and practical, get in touch with Preston’s leading student landlord, here at Let Pads.