Author Archives: LETPADS

Staying safe and warm this winter

Snow and ice are causing disruption across the UK, with the cold and wintry spell [...]

Places to Visit in Preston

Now that you’re into the full swing of university life, you may be on a [...]

Freshers Week

Freshers week, also known as orientation week or welcome week, is a week-long event at [...]

What to expect from a university

If you think university is all about studying, socialising and cheap beer, well… you’re right, [...]

Tips for results day

On results day, students often experience a mix of emotions, including excitement and anxiety. To [...]

Summer holidays!

There are many ways to make the most of your summer holidays! Here are some [...]

Bye Bye Students

Bye Bye students ……..Some of you will be saying bye to your first year, second [...]

Dental School plans new extension after students fill Preston Unit

UClan’s school of Dentistry wants to expand because it’s current crop of students have filled [...]

What’s on in Preston

Are you looking for things to do in the month of June? Weather is glorious [...]

Vegetarian versus Vegan

There’s no debating the science. A diet packed with plant foods does wonders for your [...]

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