Author Archives: LETPADS

Healthy Eating as a student

Being at university is an exciting time, but it can also be a time of [...]

Mental Health

Recent research shows that people have become comfortable talking about mental health and asking for [...]

Things to do on your day off

If you’re wondering what to do on your day off, then here are few suggestions [...]

Tips on saving on Gas and Electricity Bills

Moving into off- campus housing as a student means dealing with energy bills. We at [...]

Places to Visit in Preston

Now that you’re into the full swing of university life, you may be on a [...]

City Diwali Celebrations

Diwali, the festival of light, is the biggest celebration in the calendar for many Hindus, [...]

Freshers Flu

Got a sore throat, pounding head and high temperature? You could have a case of [...]

All the essential things and where to buy

Now that you have moved out of home, and living at one of the Letpads [...]

Making the most if University Life

As the academic year kicks off, in today’s blog we are talking about how to [...]

UCLan Welcome week starting Monday 12th September 2022

On Sunday 11th September, thousands of students arrived at the univeristy (UCLAN) ahead of the [...]

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