Author Archives: LETPADS

Uclan students union accommodation fair 2015

Hey peeps it’s that time of year again, oh yes the uclan students union accommodation [...]

Uclan students ‘there is help’

Uclan students ‘there is help’ Hey at letpads we deal with students year in, year [...]

Children in need

At letpads we are well aware that students are usually always skint, hey remember we [...]

Facebook Winners

It really was that simple as our winner shows from our recent Facebook campaign. We [...]

Looking for student housing?

At letpads we are starting to get enquiries from uclan students looking for student accommodation [...]

Where can students eat?

At letpads we have been renting houses to students in Preston for years. We know [...]

Student Halloween party

Fancy dress can be expensive if you are looking to hire your outfit or buy [...]

Car parking at uclan Preston university

Car parking at uclan Preston university Parking your car in Preston can be a real [...]

Accommodation for students in Preston

Looking for accommodation for students in Preston. There is a whole array of accommodation for [...]

Where am I going to live?

Letpads know the pressures students at uclan face every year when looking where to live. [...]

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