Author Archives: LETPADS

Students at UCLAN voted it at the top of the tables

UCLAN has always been a great place to study and live, exactly the reason why [...]

200 million pound uclan project to transform Preston for students

Image from A multi-million pound development planned by university bosses will have a massive [...]

ROOM available for sep 2015

Hey if your looking for a room in a shared house you could be in [...]

What’s Preston got to offer?

Preston is the city at the heart of Lancashire with a thriving economy attracting numerous [...]

Uclan student union accommodation fair

Uclan student union accommodation fair   Letpads were invited to the uclan student union accommodation [...]

Be quick – looking for student accommodation in Preston for sep 2015

Hey there if your looking for student houses, student accommodation, student flats then you have [...]

LETPADS say “there’s no party like a UCLan freshers party”

Hey! A big hi to all freshers from letpads. Hope you enjoy all that Preston [...]

Dont be left out in the cold

Looking for student rooms, student houses, student accommodation, student properties well we deal with students [...]

Hangover cure

Hangover cure for the morning after. Students ideally need to read… Click here

A room has become available

We are fully let for sep 2014 due to high demand and our top reputation [...]

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