If you’re a new student, in your first year, the first term is always described as the hardest. In fact, after the winter break you may notice that some of your classmates have disappeared. That’s because almost a third of first year students do not make it past the first term. But whether you’re thinking about giving up, or you’re really enjoying your new student life, you will definitely have achieved something to be proud of during this first term. So what should you celebrate about your first term student achievements?

Celebrate your first term student achievements

So, what kind of achievements might you be celebrating at the end of the first term? Well, there are several things you might be proud of, including:

  • Living in a new city- moving house is hard. Moving out of the parents house is harder still. And moving to a new city, and relocating entirely, is even more challenging. But that’s exactly what you have achieved since September, and we bet you’ve made some great progress on settling in.
  • Living independently- in these past few months you’ve been living independently. And you’ve probably learned a whole range of new skills because of this experience. From cooking and cleaning, to laundry and time management, you now have skills that you might have never practiced or developed before.
  • Met new people- one thing all university students have done so far this term is meet new people. Just think about how far you’ve come from the anxiety ridden freshers fair, to now. From students in the halls of residence, to private accommodation, and students in lectures and classes, you have probably spoke to more new people than ever before. And this means that you’ll be more prepared for life after university, and workplace situations.

Here at Let Pads, we are Preston’s leading student accommodation providers. With close ties to UCLAN, and fantastic, luxury properties around the city, we can offer something for everyone. Why not get in touch today?

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