UClan’s school of Dentistry wants to expand because it’s current crop of students have filled it to capacity. The 16-chair department, which has been in operation on the Preston campus for more than 15 years, is looking to add an extra unit to ease the pressure on services.

Plans have been submitted to the city council for a new eight-chair training bay to avoid having to farm out work. The development proposes an extension to the existing school of Dentistry building to facilitate an additional training bay to provide enhanced educational and clinical based activities for postgraduate and undergraduate dental students as well as other dental care professionals, says the planning report. The proposal will help to facilitate several additional dental care professional courses that require patient-based training, local placements for consultants supervised paediatric training, plus increased community based dental activities. The university requires the additional space to allow it to run multiple activities at one time.

The proposal is for the conversion of the current dental clinic reception area and waiting room to a second 8 chair bay facility. The UClan school of Dentistry was opened in 2007, one of only two new dental schools to be created in England in a century. It’s first students graduated in 2011. During their training the students saw more than 5,000 patients, did 9,500 fillings and provided ranging from preventative advice, to advanced procedures.

This is great news for UClan, as they could be expanding if the proposal gets accepted by City Council. It means Preston could be getting more students. Letpads has a range of accommodation available for students ranging from 1 bedroom going all the way up to 7 bedrooms

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