With university life now in full swing, you might struggling to strike the right balance. A work/life balance is hard to find for most adults, with many people spending too much time at work, and too little time with friends and family, or vice versa.  As a student, this can be even more difficult to achieve with so much on offer socially, as well as so much responsibility at university and working part time too. But one of the regular, common traits of successful people like Sir Richard Branson and Bill Gates is an effective work/life balance, and this can be central to success. So how can you strike yours? And what are the important considerations when finding the right student life balance?

What are the important considerations for finding the right student life balance?

Balancing all your responsibilities with your social life and having fun can be a real challenge as a student. But with lockdown restrictions easing, and more and more leisure activities open to pursue (aka beer gardens) how can you find time for it all? Well, there are some considerations that can help you strike the right balance. These include:

  • How much free time do you really have? On deadline week it can feel like you never get a minutes break from studying, but that’s usually just the deadline pressure, or the result of leaving your work until the last minute. By noting down your usual routine, you will be able to take stock of how much free time you actually have, and then you can plan this around your studying schedule, with plenty of time for both. It also means you’ll have a good idea of whee to cram in an extra study session if needed.
  • Financial pressure- financial pressure can really impact negatively on your student life balance. If you blow through your cash in the first week you’ll probably miss out on events later in the month. Planning a budget and sticking to it can help to maintain a good balance between fun and studying.
  • Take time out- if you feel like you’re balancing too many plates at once, don’t forget to take time out just for you. Do something you enjoy for a couple of hours, or take a walk by yourself. This can be very beneficial to help you recharge.

Here at Let Pads, we provide stunning, high quality student accommodation properties across Preston, in easy walking distance of the UCLan campus, and the city centre. And all of our student accommodation is designed with luxury, and relaxation in mind. If you need student housing or student accommodation, why not get in touch today?

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