With the end of term fast approaching, you might be planning to return home for the holidays. But what are the important factors to consider before leaving student accommodation to travel home? And how can you make sure that everything goes according to plan?

What should you consider before leaving student accommodation to travel home?

There are a number of different factors an considerations to take into account before you leave your student accommodation to travel home for the winter holidays. These include:

  • Booking your travel- student budgets are notoriously small and so it’s important to book your travel early, and try and secure the best possible price for your journey home.
  • Confer with your flatmates- let your flatmates know when you will be away and be returning.
  • Security of their accommodation- it’s essential that you leave you accommodation safe and secure, with all windows and doors locked. If every flatmate will be away from the property it can be a good idea to inform the landlord or accommodation provider so that they can keep an eye on the property while you are away.
  • Cleaning- Cleaning communal areas, securing personal belongings, and disposing of perishable items by making sure no food is left in the fridge or freezer, that won’t last while you are away, are all important tasks for ensuring that your accommodation stays clean and hygienic while you are away, and for reducing potential issues upon your return.

Here at Let Pads, we provide stunning, high quality student accommodation properties across Preston, in easy walking distance of the UCLan campus, and the city centre. And all of our student accommodation is designed with luxury, and relaxation in mind, with all bills including WiFi included. If you need student housing or student accommodation, why not get in touch today?

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