When moving into student housing or student accommodation, you will need to sign legal contracts, and it’s important to understand all of the legal information for student accommodation. Here at Let Pads, we have even been voted Landlord of the Year by UCLan Student Union! And we are here to help.

What are the most important aspects of legal information for student accommodation?

There are a number of legal aspects to consider when moving into any student accommodation. These include:

  • Contracts
  • Rent
  • Tenant’s obligations
  • Landlord’s obligations


A tenancy contract will need to be signed before you move in and this is a legally binding document. Don’t sign this until you have viewed the property, and are sure that this is where you want to live. You can also get help looking over the contract too, from UCLan SU, to make sure that this is a legal agreement you definitely want to make. The contract itself will outline your rent and obligations to pay, as well as any instances where you will be charged extra fees for replacing lost keys, late payment of rent or calling out the landlord for problems caused by the tenants.


The contract you sign will specify how much your rent is, when it should be paid, and how this should be paid. It will also outline which utility bills are included in the cost. Here at Let Pads, all bills are included.

Tenant’s obligations

A large part of the contract is taken up with tenancy obligations. These will outline what you are responsible for within the property. Generally, this includes:

  • basic maintenance
  • being respectful towards neighbours
  • keeping the property clean and tidy

Be sure to read these carefully before signing the contract.

Landlord’s obligations

This is the part of the contract that will outline what the landlord is responsible for. This will normally include any major house repairs and maintenance, and ensuring the safety of gas, electric and fire at the property.

For luxury student accommodation across Preston, get in touch with the experts today, here at Let Pads. We provide stunning, high quality student accommodation properties across Preston, in easy walking distance of the UCLan campus, and the city centre. And all of our student accommodation is designed with luxury, and relaxation in mind, with all bills including WiFi included.

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