Fancy dress can be expensive if you are looking to hire your outfit or buy a new one completely. Halloween for uclan students is always an awesome night out whether it be at sauce, 53 degrees, attic, warehouse, cameo, lava ignite or the many other clubs in Preston city centre. Shelling out between £20 and £50 on a costume you are likely to wear only once is not the best investment, especially when funds are tight. This doesn’t mean you can’t still rock a killer costume this Halloween. Hey there is always the vast charity shops in Preston.

Get creative and research DIY costumes online for some inspiration on how to make your own. Sites like Pinterest are great for this. Look at what you could use in your existing wardrobe and then jazz it up with customised props and spooky accessories. Masks are a great way to instantly transform an outfit and will not break the bank. Sites like novelty gift online retailer Toxic Fox have a great selection.

Going out

Planning on going out this Halloween? Choose your venue wisely. Some clubs will hike their ticket prices up for party-goers. Before you head out, it’s a good idea to research which places have the best drink offers and entry fees. Spontaneous nights out can be fun but they are also the ones that result in your debit card taking the biggest hits. With taxis each way to plan for as well as those early morning junk-food cravings, the costs can soon mount up. So plan ahead and remember letpads are well known to all local businesses so current tenants remember to ask for your student discounts.

Alternatively, why not throw your own Halloween party. Remember at letpads we have been students too, so unlike other landlords we don’t mind the odd party. We know there are other landlords in Preston who don’t allow this but this is just another reason why we are the best student accommodation provider in Preston and why we won landlord of the year with the uclan students union.

Games and decorations

This one needs a little creativity but is well worth it. There are some interesting ideas online. suggests pumpkin bowling with loo rolls doubling up as pins stacked on top of each other and the pumpkin serving as a ball with three holes drilled into it.  Another blog had the ingenious idea of using bin-liners to create a string of cobwebs and provides step-by-step instructions.

Movie night

Alternatively, you could grab a group of friends, bake some spooky treats and host your very own scary movie night at home. If you have a Netflix or Amazon Prime account, (which letpads home do) make good use of your membership and check out their horror offering. Sometimes the films can be quite obscure but there are some hidden gems in there. If you’re a fan of the original Scream franchise of the 90s, we strongly recommend you try the new Scream TV series on Netflix. Alternatively, if you fancy something more recent then you can rent films from Blinkbox and

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