Hey it’s coming, as much as we don’t want it to unfortunately one thing the British weather guarantees us every year is cold. Yes it will soon be getting very cold so all letpads tenants will be using there new highly modern combi boilers.
We use well known brand names so you can always be sure of a reliable service as and when you need it. But please remember you are all on fair usage caps on your gas and electric usage over the year. The last thing we want letpads tenants to have is a big bill to worry about at the end of the tenancy.
So some really useful hints and tips we can offer you all to do to ensure you use your usage well. Firstly we advise you all to try and have your heating on once in the morning and once at night. So ideally it’s only turned on twice in the day. Because if you are constantly turning your boiler on and off this is where the most gas usage is used ie the boiler going from being off/cold to hitting a warm temperature is the biggest usage of gas. So we advise you all to find out when you all want your heating on and then to set times for it to come on then. For example in the morning 7am to 12pm. Then in the evening from 4pm to 10pm. As it’s more efficient to have the boiler on longer on a lower temperature setting than having it on and off throughout the day.
Also make sure the temperature is not at maximum as this is simply asking the boiler to work to its maximum which is like driving a car as fast as it will go, ie this is using more fuel. Set your temperature on a lower setting ie at 30-40% as this will keep the house nice and warm as oppose to getting too hot and uncomfortable.
Also don’t just leave the heating on every day on timer as sometimes you only need it on a few days in the week. We know this may seem like common sense to many but it’s just another way in which we at letpads try to make things easier for our students studying at uclan. Unlike other landlords and letting agents in Preston we are always communicating with our tenants. We are also always available and pride ourselves on having a speedy response rate to our students in Preston.
In regards to advising on electric usage we suggest if you use a clothes dryer to have set drying days. For example if there are 4 of you in a house and all of you are using the dryer independently then it may be getting used 10-12 times a week. Even then some of them loads may only be half or even less full. If you have say 2 suggested drying drys a week and you all do it together then it may only get used say 4 times a week. This method has been tried and tested and students have said it has literally been a miracle worker.
We also do not allow plug in heaters as this literally uses £££££’s in electricity. However on rare occasions there may be someone who may brings their own. So make sure you are all aware that this does not get brought into the house. As one of your housemates could literally be using all your usage without you even knowing about it. And that’s not cool.
Turn off the lights guys. Obvious I hear you say? You will be amazed how often tenants leave lights on in lounges, kitchens, bathrooms, hallways and landings? But not in there bedrooms, I wonder why that is 😳😳 lol. Because students love to sleep. Hey guys we were students too and we know what it’s like. You would not do it in your own home so all we ask is please try and treat your letpads home as you would your own. As we are sure your parents would get you told for leaving lights on in there home hehe. But hey I suppose that’s the fun of getting away from home.