Balancing social life with studying is one of the biggest challenges any student faces. But getting enough sleep should also be something that you consider carefully. But how important is good sleep for a student? And what can you do to ensure that you are getting a good night sleep as a student?

How important is sleep for students?

A good nights sleep is important for everyone for positive mental health, re-energising and even for physical health too. But why is a good night’s sleep so important for students? Well there are a number of reasons for this, including:

  • Improving learning- a good night’s sleep can improve memory so that you can better recall those important lectures and your brain can more effectively store important data and facts. This can combine to improve your academic performance and help you be at your best
  • Improving productivity- a good night’s sleep is known to improve productivity as you will have more energy and when you are well rested you’ll find it easier to focus and stay on task. When writing up those assignments or working on a task, a good night’s sleep can make a big impact.

How to get a good night sleep as a student

To make sure you get a good night’s rest there are a number of steps you can take including:

  • Getting regular exercise – regular exercise can help the body burn off excess energy which makes it much easier to wind down and relax during the evening, allowing for a more well rested nights sleep.
  • Having a night time routine- a routine before bed can help your body understand that it’s time to wind down and relax. Whether you have a hot drink or you spend some time without devices, you should spend some time before bed winding down and allowing your mind to relax.

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