Uclan students ‘there is help’

Hey at letpads we deal with students year in, year out. We know that sometimes throughout the year for whatever reason be it your studies, personal or financial issues. There can be times when you feel the world is against you and that there is no way out. But trust us, no matter how bad it seems at the time, it can always be worse.

We decided to write this because even if it only reaches one of you, well that’s good enough for us at letpads. We recently had a student that was really feeling in despair and thinking of quitting university, there was various different issues at that time affecting them and they where just not thinking straight. At letpads we took the time to listen and told the student to just turn off there phone and all social media and just go home for the weekend and spend time with there family. On the Monday we got a call saying that everything was much better and they were thinking a lot more positively about everything. The letpads tenant was even more relieved and happy when they realised we had not breathed a word to anyone else, not even there housemates. It’s not for us to let others know about those matters, with that in mind the tenant was very thankful to us for the way in which we dealt with the situation.

At the time we didn’t think much of it, as that’s just the way we operate at letpads as we were students too at UCLAN. But we realised that treating that person with respect and listening to them and just advising them to do something as simple as go home and forget about everything for a few days really helped them and stopped them taking any drastic sudden decisions.

So basically all we are trying to say is that we have been where you are right now and at times it really can feel like the worlds against you, but trust us when we say that it’s not. There is always someone there to talk to if need be, whether it’s your housemates, classmates, family, tutors, landlord (yes we do care) or speak to the uclan students union. We have built up a great relationship with the latter and having spoken to them about this article they insisted that we advise students that they are there for all of you. No matter what it is, however trivial pop in and see them. The students union can advise students who they can speak to depending on what specific issues you may have, believe us when we say they are used to dealing with every issue students may have. The students union are there for YOU, that’s the very reason they are there.

Your time at university will throw all sorts of obstacles at you, as its this very journey that is preparing you for life as an adult in the big wide world. But talking from experience we sometimes think we have all the answers, but some of the most interesting 40 year olds we know still do not know what they want to do with there lives.

That last line is from a great song, well it’s more like a coaching session talking you through life’s emotions. If you have never heard it before we would strongly advise you to listen to it, right now. Listen to it on your own when you have 5 minutes and really LISTEN to it. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Oh hang on, we were just about to leave you hanging on without telling you what it is hehe…….. Its Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free to wear sunscreen.

It’s on the link below

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